Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Late IHSW Update

I ended up having very  little time for stitching over the weekend, but did manage to get some time in on Gentle Stitches by Shakespeare's Peddler.  It's been a nice easy stitch, which is just what I need right now.  Sorry for the poor quality picture. I'll post a better one when it's finished.

Tonight is the start of Celebration of Needlework in Nashua, NH.  I'm lucky enough to live 5 minutes away, so I can save the money I would spend on the hotel and spend it on stash! WooHoo! I'm signed up for a class on Friday, and a couple of different events, and lots of stitching time with my best stitching buddies.

Stay tuned for lots of stash pictures next week :-)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April WIPocalypse Update

A little late with my update this month, but do have something to show.  I finished the first square of the Petit Sampling Etui:

I also finished the stitching for the lid of the Sturbridge Box, which I posted about previously.

After spending weeks stitching over one I decided to give myself a break and start something easy.  I chose Gentle Stitches by Shakepeare's Peddler, which I hope to finish and post this coming weekend.  Then back to work on WIP's.

Off I go to look at what everyone else has been working on.  Happy stitching!